Follow Your Paper Trail.
Control Your Finances.
Track Expenses.
Categorize Receipts.

Paper Trail is a tool created to answer the question we all ask at the end of the month: Where did all my money go? Paper Trail helps you categorize your expenses and receipts to unlock your full financial potential. All with zero tracking and complete privacy. Get started by downloading the app from the App Store.


Expense trackers all have the same problem: they group entire purchases into a single category. Not every item on a purchase should be categorized the same. Paper Trail has fast, intelligent receipt scanning that uses on-device OCR, allowing you to categorize each item on the receipt individually, rather than being forced to add the entire receipt to the same envelope. If you don’t have a receipt, you can easily add a purchase manually.


Design is more than just how something looks: it’s how something works. Paper Trail has been designed with the user in mind. Go ahead and give it a shot - it just works.


How you spend your money is your business, not ours. We don’t collect any personal data of any kind. Ever.
